VAMPIRE BLOOD BATH - Animals jokes

Jokes » animals » vampire blood bath

Once there was a group of vampire bats that  lived in a cave outside of a big city.

One  night, one said to a another, “I'm so hungry. I'm  going to go get something.” 

“No don't! We have to wait for the others!”

“I don't care.” And off he went.

About 30  minutes later, he came back and was covered in  blood.

The other vampire bat asked, “WHOA!! Where did you  find all that blood?”   

“You really want to see?” asked the bloody one. “Follow  me.”

So the first bat leads the other bat to the  city and points to a large black building and  asks, “Do you see that building?” 

“Yes,” came the reply. 

To that the first says, “Well, I didn't.”