Bush jokes

Jokes » bush » humor 20


texas talkin'
Here's what the heck they mean in the Lone Star State...
  • The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving = Not too smart
  • As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party = An unwelcome person
  • Tighter than bark on a tree = Stingy
  • Big hat, no cattle = All talk, no action
  • We've howdied but we ain't shook yet = We've met, but haven't been formally introduced
  • He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow = He thinks his s#%! doesn't stink
  • She's got tongue enough for ten rows of teeth = She's a talker
  • It's so dry the trees are bribin' the dogs = Rain would be nice
  • Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly = Appearances can be deceiving
  • This ain't my first rodeo = I've been around the block
  • He looks like the dog's been keepin' him under the porch = U-G-L-Y
  • They ate supper before they said grace = They're living in sin
  • Time to paint your butt white and run with the antelope = Stop arguing and do as you're told
  • As full of wind as a corn-eating horse = A braggart
  • You can put your boots in the oven, but that doesn't make them biscuits = You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't change a thing
bush and clinton and bush
A reporter remarked to George W. Bush: "It must be something, knowing that you put the Bush legacy back into the oval office."

"Thanks to Bill Clinton," replied George. "Bush never left the office."

hail to the moron
It's finally come out why George W. is pushing childhood literacy.

He wants America's children to be better off than he is.

divided by a common language
The British speech:

"If you are ferocious in battle, remember to be magnanimous in victory, we go to liberate, not to conquer.

We are entering Iraq to free a people, and the only flag that will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Don't treat them as refugees, for they are in their own country. If there are casualties of war, then remember, when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to die this day. Allow them dignity in death. Bury them properly and mark their graves. You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest, for your deeds will follow you down history. Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birth of Abraham. Tread lightly there."

The US speech :

"When the president says 'Go', look out - it's hammer time"

(followed by "We Will Rock You" at high volume)

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