old age jokes jokes

Jokes » old age jokes

old age jokes

professions 15
OLD WANTS never die, they become needs

OLD WATCHMAKERS never die, they just run out of time

OLD WATCHMAKERS never die, they just unwind

OLD WATCHMAKERS never die, they just wind down

OLD WEATHERMEN never die, they reign forever

OLD WHITE WATER RAFTERS never die, they just get disgorged

OLD WOOL COATS never die, they just become mothballed

OLD WRESTLERS never die, they just lose their grip

OLD YACHTSMEN never die, they just keel over

WALT DISNEY didn't die, he's in suspended animation

There is no conclusive evidence about what happens to old skeptics, -- but their future is doubtful

professions 12
OLD RADIOS never die, they just stop receiving

OLD RAILROADERS never die, they just derail

OLD RAIN PUDDLES never die, they just dry up

OLD SAILORS never die, they just get a little "DINGHY"

OLD SAILORS never die, they just lose their porpoise

OLD SALESMEN never die, they just go out of commission

OLD SCHOOLS never die, they just lose their principals

OLD SCOTS never die, but they can be kilt

OLD SCULPTORS never die, they just lose their marbles

OLD SEAMSTRESSES never die, they just come to the point

OLD SEERS never die, they just lose their vision

OLD SEWAGE WORKERS never die, they just waste away

OLD SHEETROCKERS (dry wallers) never die, they just hang around

OLD SHOES MAKERS never die, they just lose their sole

OLD SKIERS never die, but they go downhill fast

professions 04
OLD CREDIT CARDS never die, they just expire

OLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get bowled over

OLD CRICKETERS never die, they just get smashed for six

OLD DANCERS never die, they just step away

OLD DAREDEVILS never die, they just get discouraged

OLD DEANS never die, they just lose their faculties

OLD DENTISTS never die, they just lose their pull

OLD DIETERS never die, they just waist away

OLD DIVERS never die, they just extend their bottom time

OLD DIVERS never die, they just flop

OLD DIVERS never die, they just get board

OLD DIVERS never die, they just lose their spring

OLD DOCTORS never die, they just lose their patience

OLD EDITORS do it with a red pen

OLD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS never die, they just have slower rise times

professions 10
OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just get played out

OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just go from bar to bar

OLD NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS never die, they just go off-line

OLD NUMERICAL ANALYSTS never die, they just get disarrayed

OLD OWLS never die, they just don't give a hoot

OLD PACIFISTS never die, they just go to peaces

OLD PARADOXES never die, they just become enigmas

OLD PHOTOGRAPHERS never die, they get sent to the old focus home

OLD PHOTOGRAPHERS never die, they just stop developing

OLD PILOTS never die, they just buzz off

OLD PILOTS never die, they just go to a higher plane

OLD PLANETS never die, they just lose their attraction

OLD PLASTIC never dies, they just recycle it

OLD PLUMBERS never die, they just go down the drain

OLD POLICEMEN never die, they just cop out

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