animal jokes for kids jokes

Jokes » animal jokes for kids » humor 11

animal jokes for kids

cat joke list 08
Q: What is the most breathless thing on television?
A: The Pink Panter Show!

Q: What do you get if you cross a leopard with a watchdog?
A: A terrified postman!

Q: When is a lion not a lion?
A: When he turns into his cage!

Q: What do cat actors say on stage?
A: Tabby or not tabby!

Q: What did the cat say when he lost all his money?
A: I'm paw!

Q: What do you call a lioin who has eaten your mother's sister?
A: An aunt-eater!

Q: What do tigers wear in bed?
A: Stripey pyjamas!

Q: Why did the cat put the letter "M" into the fridge?
A: Because it turns "ice" into "mice"!

cat joke list 09
Q: What does a lion brush his mane with?
A: A catacomb!

Q: What noise does a cat make going down the highway?
A: Miaooooooooooooooooooow!

Q: What do you get if cross a cat with a canary?
A: Shredded tweet!

Q: Why do tomcats fight?
A: Because they like raising a stink!

Q: Why is a crazy marmalade cat like a biscuit?
A: They are both ginger nuts!

Q: What is white, sugary, has whiskers and floats on the sea?
A: A catameringue!

Q: On what should you mount a statue of your cat?
A: A caterpillar!

Q: What do you get if cross a Tomcat with a Pekingese?
A: A Peking Tom!

dog joke list 04
Q: What do you get if you cross a dog and a cheetah?
A: A dog that chases cars - and catches them!

Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
A: You can step in a poodle!

Q: What sort of clothes does a pet dog wear?
A: A petticoat!

Q: What do you get if you cross a dog and a lion?
A: A terrified postman!

Q: What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic?
A: His bark was much worse than it's bite!

Q: What is a dogs favorite flower?
A: Anything in your garden!

Q: What dog wears contact lenses?
A: A cock-eyed spaniel!

Q: What's a dog favorite hobby?
A: Collecting fleas!

Q: What did the hungry Dalmatian say when he had a meal?
A: That hit the spots!

Q: What do you get if you cross a Rottweiller and a hyena?
A: I don't know but I'll join in if it laughs!

dog joke list 05
Q: Why do you need a licence for a dog and not for a cat?
A: Cats can't drive!

Q: What do you call a dog in the middle of a muddy road?
A: A mutt in a rut!

Q: What do you get if you cross a dog with a blind mole?
A: A dog that keeps barking up the wrong tree!

Q: What do you call a happy Lassie?
A: A jolly collie!

Q: What do you call a nutty dog in Australia?
A: A dingo-ling!

Q: What dog loves to take bubble baths?
A: A shampoodle!

Q: How do you catch a runaway dog?
A: Hide behind a tree and make a noise like a bone!

Q: What dogs are best for sending telegrams?
A: Wire haired terriers!!

Q: What kind of dog does a vampire prefer?
A: Any kind of bloodhound!

Q: What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers?
A: A bud hound!

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