scary jokes jokes

Jokes » scary jokes » humor 7

scary jokes

scary collection 24
A cannibal joke
What happened when the cannibal got a religion?
He only ate Catholics on Fridays!

A cannibal joke
What do you call a massive witch doctor?
Mumbo jumbo!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire give up acting?
He couldn't get his teeth into the part!

A skeleton joke
What do you call a skeleton who won't get up in the mornings?
Lazy bones!

A werewolf joke
Why are werewolvse thought of as quick witted?
Because they always give snappy answers!

A witch joke
How can you tell an Italian witch from an English one?
By her suntan!

A werewolf joke
What do you get if you cross a hairdresser and a werewolf?
A creature with an all over perm!

scary collection 27
A vampire joke
Why did the vampire go to hospital?
He wanted his ghoulstones removed!

A ghost joke
Where do ghosts live?
In a terrortory!

A ghost joke
What is a ghost proof cycle?
One with no spooks in it!

A ghost joke
What do you call a ghost who stays out all night?
A fresh air freak!

A skeleton joke
What happened to the skeleton who was swallowed by a big fish?
He had a whale of a time!

A ghost joke
What do young ghouls write their homework in?
Exorcise books!

A ghost joke
What happened when the ghosts went on strike?
A skeleton staff took over!

scary collection 59
A witch joke
What do you call a witch you likes the beach but is scared of the water?
A chicken sandwitch!

A witch joke
Why did the witches go on strike?
They wanted sweeping reforms!

A witch joke
When a witch falls into a pond what is the first thing that she does?
Get wet!

A witch joke
What did the witch say to the ugly toad?
"I'd put a curse on you but it looks like someone already beat me to it"!

A wizard joke
What do you call a warlock who tries to stop fights?
A peacelock!

A wizard joke
What kinds of wizards can jump higher than a bus?
All of them, busses don't jump!

A wizard joke
What happened when the wizard drank a bottle of lemonade?
He burped 7-Up!

scary collection 10
A witch joke
What name did the witch give to her cooking pot?
It was called-Ron!

A vampire joke
When do vampires bite you?
On wincedays!

A witch joke
What is a witch with poison ivy called?
An itchy witchy!

A Halloween joke
A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet on his head. "Are you a ghost?
" asked his friends "No, I'm an unmade bed!

" A cannibal joke
What's the definition of a cannibal?
Some who goes into a restaurant and orders a waiter!

A ghost joke
Why are cemeteries in the middle of towns?
Because they're dead centres!

A witch joke
What is a witches favourite book?
Broom at the top!

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