scary jokes jokes

Jokes » scary jokes » humor 6

scary jokes

scary collection 56
A witch joke
What is old, ugly and blue?
A witch holding it's breath!

A witch joke
What do you get if you cross a flea and a witch?
Very worried dogs!

A witch joke
What do witches sing at Christmas?
"Deck the halls with poison ivy...."!

A witch joke
What do witches eat for breakfast?
Rice krispies. Because they snap at them!

A witch joke
What do little witches like to play at school?
Bat's cradle!

A witch joke
What do witches eat for dinner?
Real toad in the hole!

A witch joke
Why did the witch have pedestrian eyes?
They looked both ways before they crossed!

scary collection 16
A Halloween joke
Why are teachers happy at Halloween parties?
Because there is lots of school spirit!

A demon joke
What do foreign devils speak?
Devil Dutch!

A ghost joke
What kind of ghosts haunt operating theatres?
Surgical spirits!

A skeleton joke
What happened when the skeletons rode pogo sticks?
They had a rattling good time!

A skeleton joke
What do you call a skeleton who presses the door bell?
A dead ringer!

A werewolf joke
What happened when the wolf fell in the washing machine?
He became a wash and werewolf!

A witch joke
What does a witch get if she is a poor traveller?
Broom sick!

scary collection 17
A witch joke
What's the best way of talking to a warty witch?
By telephone!

A werewolf joke
Why was the werewolf arrested at the butchers shop?
He was caught chop lifting!

A skeleton joke
What happened to the skeleton who went to a party?
All the others used him as a coat rack!

A skeleton joke
Why did the skeleton go to hospital?
To have his ghoul stones removed!

A vampire joke
What does a vampire stand on after taking a shower?
A bat mat!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire enjoy ballroom dancing?
He could really get into the vaultz!

A demon joke
What did the demon do when he bought a new house?
He called it "Gnome Sweet Gnome"!

scary collection 21
A ghost joke
What do ghosts have in the seats of their cars?
Sheet belts!

A ghost joke
What kind of girl does a mummy take on a date?
Any old girl he can dig up!

A cannibal joke
Why did the Scottish cannibal live on a sugar plantation?
He said ''So that I can feed my lads with m'lasses!

A cannibal joke
Why would the cannibal only eat babies?
He was on a diet!

A ghost joke
Where do ghosts go on holiday?
The Ghosta Brava!

A vampire joke
Why wouldn't the vampire eat his soup?
It clotted!

A skeleton joke
Why did the skeleton run up a tree?
Because a dog was after his bones!

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