scary jokes jokes

Jokes » scary jokes » jokes 12

scary jokes

scary collection 34
A cannibal joke
What do pygmy cannibals eat for breakfast?
Weedie Bix!


A ghost joke
Why were ancient Egyptian children confused?
Because their daddies were mummies!

A cannibal joke
What happened when the cannibal crossed the Atlantic on the QE2?
He told the waiter to take the menu away and bring him the passenger list!

A ghost joke
Where do ghosts live?
In dread-sitters!

A ghost joke
How do you know if your being haunted by a parrot?
He keeps going "ooo's a pretty boy then"!

A vampire joke
What did the vampire say to the wolfman?
You look like your going to the dogs!

A vampire joke
What's the difference between a vampire and a biscuit?
You don't know?
Well don't try dunking a vampire in your tea!

scary collection 60
A witch joke
What do you get if you cross a witches cat with Father Christmas?
Santa Claws!

A witch joke
What do you call it when a witches cat falls off a broomstick?
A catastrophe!

A witch joke
Why are black cats such good singers?
They're very mewsical!

A wizard joke
Who did the wizard marry?
His ghoul-friend!

A wizard joke
Why did the wizard where red, white and blue braces?
To keep his trousers up!

A witch joke
Why is a witches face like a million dollars?
It's all green and wrinkly!

A witch joke
How do you make a witch itch?
Take away the "w"!

scary collection 18
A Halloween joke
What happened to the girl who wore a mouse costume to her Halloween party?
The cat are her!

A ghost joke
How do ghosts keep fit?
By regular exorcise!

A cannibal joke
What did the cannibal make of her new friend?
A hotpot!

A ghost joke
What trees do ghouls like best?

A cannibal joke
Why did the cannibal have a hangover?
He went to a party and got stewed!

A ghost joke
Why are graveyards so noisy?
Because of all the coffin!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire baby stop having baby food?
He wanted something to get his teeth into!

scary collection 23
A skeleton joke
How do skeletons get their mail?
By bony express!

A vampire joke
What kind of medicine does Dracula take for a cold?
Coffin medicine!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire sit on a pumpkin?
It wanted to play squash!

A vampire joke
How do vampires keep their breath smelling nice?
They use extractor fangs!

A vampire joke
What do vampire footballers have at half times?
Blood oranges!

A ghost joke
Where do ghosts get an education?
High sghoul!

A ghost joke
Why did the mummy leave his tomb after 3000 years?
Because he thought he was old enough to leave home!

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