scary jokes jokes

Jokes » scary jokes » jokes 8

scary jokes

scary collection 11
A witch joke
How is the witches team doing?
They're having a spell in the first division!

A werewolf joke
How do you make a werewolf stew?
Keep him waiting for two hours!

A skeleton joke
What do you call a skeleton that is always telling lies?
A boney phoney!

A vampire joke
What does Mrs Dracula say to Mr Dracula when he goes out to work in the evening?
"Have a nice bite"!

A ghost joke
Why did the ghost go to the funfair?
He wanted to go on a rollerghoster!

A cannibal joke
How can you help a starving cannibal?
Give them a hand!

A cannibal joke
When do cannibals cook you?
On Fried-days!

scary collection 13
A Halloween joke
Why don't apples smile when you go bobbing?
Because they're crab apples!

A vampire joke
What do you call a dog owned by Dracula?
A blood hound!

A ghost joke
What keeps ghouls happy?
The knowledge that every shroud has a silver lining!

A demon joke
What do you call a demon who slurps his food?
A goblin!

A ghost joke
What do you have to take to become a coroner?
A stiff exam!

A cannibal joke
What does a cannibal eat with cheese?
Pickled organs!

A cannibal joke
What did the cannibal say when he was full?
''I couldn't eat another mortal!''

scary collection 20
A vampire joke
What does a vampire say to the mirror?
Terror, terror on the wall...!

A skeleton joke
How do skeletons call their friends?
On the telebone!

A skeleton joke
Why are skeletons so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin!

A werewolf joke
Mummy, mummy what's a werewolf?
Be quiet and brush your face!

A werewolf joke
What parting gift did the werewolf parents give to their son when he left home?
A comb!

A witch joke
What is evil, ugly and goes at 125 mph?
A witch on a high speed train!

A skeleton joke
What's a skeleton's favourite musical instrument?
A trom-bone!

scary collection 02
A Halloween joke
What do witches eat at Halloween?
Spooketti, halloweenies, devils food cake and booberry pie!

A vampire joke
What's Dracula's car called?
A mobile blood unit!

A werewolf joke
What do you call a hairy beast with clothes on?
A wear-wolf!

A witch joke
Why did the witch go over the mountain?
Because she couldn't go under it!

A skeleton joke
Why didn't the skeleton want to play football?
Because his heart wasn't in it!

A cannibal joke
Why was the cannibal looking peeky?
Because he had just eaten a Chinese dog!

A wizard joke
If a wizard was knocked out by Dracula in a fight what would he be?
Out for the count!

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