top ten lists jokes

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top ten lists

terrible history teacher
The Top 10 Signs You Have A Bad History Teacher

  1. Constantly gets Indonesia and Outdonesia confused.

  2. As incentive for learning, when you name a state capital, you get to take a shot.

  3. Insists that one of Popes during the Roman empire was Pope Bubba.

  4. Thinks that Mussolini was Hitler's favorite pasta.

  5. Counts Puerto Rico, Mexico and Canada as "technically" U.S. States.

  6. Tells you that its Napoleon that's the ice cream that comes in 3 flavors in one box.

  7. Insists that the Great Depression could have been stopped with the right amount of Lithium.

  8. Threatens to renact Salem Witch Trials/Burnings if homework is not turned in on time.

  9. Claims that it was Martin and Lewis that were the great explorers of the West.

  10. Credits David Hasselhoff and not Democracy for the fall of the Berlin Wall.

a relationship is over
The Top Signs That Your Net Relationship Is Over

  1. All of a sudden, she's typing in a different font.

  2. Instead of hearing that lovely "You've Got Mail" statement when you use America OnLine, you hear "You Just Got Dumped!"

  3. Your connection to his server is constantly refused.

  4. You get a Dear John E-mai...Your name is Fred.

  5. They no longer have access to a computer due to a recent parole.

  6. She starts ending each sentence with only 1 exclamation mark instead of the usual 3!!!

  7. She tells you that she's been working a lot. You think its a professional job; it turns out that she was responsible for the decorations at her Jr High prom!!

  8. During an intimate moment in a chat room, she reveals herself to be GRANDMA!!

to do at the drivethru
Top twenty things to do at a drivethru

  1. Drive through the drive thru in reverse and let your passenger order.

  2. Ask prices of everything on the menu then order something that you did not ask the price for.

  3. Pretend like your window is broken. Tell the employee this. Order with your door open, pay with your door open. Roll down window and take food through the window.

  4. Go to McDonalds and demand a big breakfast at 11:30 at night. Put up a fight.

  5. Pay for a large order in pennies and nickels unwrapped.

  6. Order in another language. Be careful what neighborhood you are in.

  7. When asked if they can take your order, tell them you are just window shopping and drive on.

  8. Laugh sadistically when asked if you would like ketchup.

  9. Ask how they fit into that little box.

  10. If they make you wait, make them wait when they come back on.

  11. Demand to speak to the manager. When he comes on, complain that you did not like the way the employee said "May I take your order?"

  12. When asked if they can take your order say "No, why can't I take yours?"

  13. If they ask you to wait, order anyway and keep doing it till they yell at you.

  14. Pretend like your car broke down. Ask for assistance in moving it. When they come out, drive away.

  15. Tell them you have to use the bathroom.

  16. Order a cup of water and two napkins. That's it.

  17. Don't order when they come on. Just sit there. If a line forms behind you, get out of the car and cause a scene.

  18. When they hand you your food, hand them a bag back with all the trash from your car in it.

  19. Just stare at them when you pay and get your food. Don't break your stare.

  20. Honk your horn the whole way through the line.

good to be french
Top reasons why it's great to be French

  1. Yet to experience the joy of winning the world cup for the first time

  2. You get to eat insect food like snails and frog's legs

  3. If there's a war you can surrender really early

  4. You don't have to read the subtitles on those late night films on Channel 4.

  5. You can test your own nuclear weapons in other people's countries

  6. You can be ugly and still become a famous film star

  7. Allow Germans to march up and down your most famous street humiliating your sense of national pride

  8. People think you're a great lover even when you're not

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