funny answering machine messages jokes

Jokes » funny answering machine messages » jokes 58

funny answering machine messages

answering message 245
(Bad imitations:)

Picard: Assume standard orbit, Mr. LaForge. Sensor readings, Lieutenant?

Worf: Scanning, Captain... Strange... No life-forms.

Picard: Recommendations, Mr. Data?

Data: Intriguing, Captain. Perhaps we should simply leave a message.

answering message 257
I am not home to talk to you,
But please don't be a creep.
Just leave your name and number,
At the sound of the...

answering message 57
Hello, this is Death. I am not in right now, but if you leave your name and number, I'll be right with you.

answering message 65
You have reached the Suicide Prevention Hotline. All our lines are busy now, but if you leave your name and number, someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

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