Redneck jokes

Jokes » redneck » humor 32


what a gasser
A young man goes home from a war to see his mother in the hills of West Virginia. She has never left the hills and has never seen anything like her son's uniform or gun. He shows his mother both items, then she asks about the grenades on his belt.

He says,"'Well, you pull the pin and throw it."

She still doesn't quite get it, so he decides to demonstrate and throws it into the backyard.

The outhouse blows up and his mother cries, "Son you shouldn't have done that! Your father was in there."

And out crawls his father, all covered in dirt. He looks over at the hole and says, "Good thing I didn't let that off in the house."

rednecks and tv
You might be a redneck if you don't know what day Saturday Night Live comes on TV.
what do dale earnhardt and pink floyd...
What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?

Their last big hit was The Wall.

post-coital redneck
You might be a redneck if you smoke hams after sex.

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