Foreign jokes

Jokes » foreign » jokes 44


those shady frenchies
Why are there so many trees along the streets of Paris?

So the Germans can march in the shade.

top ten: saddam hussein's romantic tips
10. Splash on a little goat's blood.

9. Play romantic music to drown out the cries of tortured dissidents.

8. Shampoo and condition your mustache.

7. Don't be a cheapskate at the movies -- buy the large hummus!

6. Have a violinist brought over to your table and executed.

5. Show sensitive side by releasing her family from prison.

4. "Say it with toxic nerve agents"

3. Sit on porch swing and watch twinkling United State reconnaissance satellites.

2. Name a camel after her.

1. Ask if she wants to "inspect your biological weapon."

le stinkers
Why do the French Smell?

So blind people can hate them too!

iraqi funerals
Why do Iraqis only have 2 pallbearers at their funerals?
Becasue garbage cans only have 2 handles.

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