Redneck jokes

Jokes » redneck » humor 23


you might be a redneck...deer
You might be a redneck if you've ever hit a deer with your car, deliberately!
you might be a redneck if...bowling
You might be a redneck if you think a woman who is 'out of your league' bowls on a different night!
the fishing spot
One day Bob and Bubba went fishing. They were catching a lot of fish so they wanted to figure out how to remember this part if the lake.

Bob said, 'I know. I can spit in the water!'

But Bubba said, ' No! How will we know it's your spit?'

They thought and thought and finally Bob said, ' I know. We can draw an 'X' right here on the side of the boat!'

But Bubba said 'No, no, Bob. That won't work! How will we know that we get the same boat next time?'

toothpaste inventor
Did you know that someone from West Virginia invented toothpaste?

If anyone else would have invented it, it would be called "teethpaste".

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