Gross jokes

Jokes » gross » humor 54


did i do that?
Three men are on a plane. The first one throws a dirt-clod out of the plane. When he lands, he finds a child crying and asks him, "Why are you crying?" The child says a dirt-clod fell out of the sky and hit his dad on the head. The second man on the plane throws a dog's chewing bone. When he lands the plane he finds a woman crying and asks, "Why are you crying?" The woman says, "A bone fell out of the sky and hit my husband on the head" The third man on the plane throws a bomb. When he lands the plane, he finds an old man laughing and asks him, "Why are you laughing?" The old man replies, "I farted and my house blew up."
red ring
A man goes to his doctor and says, 'Doctor, Doctor, please help me! I've got a problem.' The doctor examines the man and finds the man has a red ring around his penis. The doctor gives him an ointment to rub on the problem area.

'It's all cleared up!' the man reports when he returns. 'But what was that medication you gave me?'

'Lipstick remover.'

yo mama's so nasty, i came over and asked...
Yo mama's so nasty, I came over and asked what's for dinner and she opened her legs and said "TUNA SUPRISE!"
mommy, mommy... circles
What did the dad say when his son said, 'Dad I'm tired of walking in circles?

'Shut up kid or I'll nail your other foot to the ground."

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