Gross jokes

Jokes » gross » jokes 78


having to take a whisper
Once there was a liitle boy in church. He had to go to the bathroom so he told his mother, 'Mommy, I have to piss.'

The mother said, 'Son don't say piss in church. Next time you have to piss, say, 'whisper' because it is more polite.

The next Sunday, the litle boy was sitting by his father this time, and once again, he had to go to the bathroom.

He told his father, 'Daddy I have to whisper.'

The father said, 'OK. Here, whisper in my ear.'

osama = crabs?
What do Osama bin Laden and crabs have in common?

They both irritate Bush.

chilling with the eskimo
What do eskimos get from sitting on a block of ice?


lunch anyone?
A little old lady sits at the luncheonette counter and orders a hamburger. The huge guy behind the counter bellows, "One burger!"

Whereupon the chef grabs a huge hunk of chopped meat, stuffs it in his bare armpit, pumps his arm a few times to squeeze it flat, and then tosses it on the grill.

"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen," the old lady says.

"Yeah?" says the counterman. "You should be here in the morning when he makes the doughnuts."

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