Gross jokes

Jokes » gross » humor 96


this joke is bananas!
Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator?

A: What are you shaking about, its me she's going to eat.

what's funnier than a zombie baby?
What's funnier than a zombie baby?

A zombie baby in a clown suit.

yo mama so dirty...
Yo mama so dirty, she made Right Guard go left.
holy water
Three men go to a church and ask to be forgiven for their sins. The priest asks the first man what he did. The man replies, "I robbed a bank. " The 2nd man tells the priest he killed a man. The priest says that is really bad and to go drink the holy water and he will be forgiven. The third man starts to laugh, so the priest asks him, "And what sin have you committed?" The third man replies, "I pissed in the holy water"

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