Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » humor 46


blonde diet
There was blonde who wanted to go on a diet. She went to the doctor and asked for his advice. He said that she was going to go on a diet for three days

"Eat anything and everything you want for the first two days of your diet. Then skip the third day."

So the blonde went home and ate anything and everything she wanted for the first two days, then she skipped the third day.

The next day she went back to the doctor and he asked her, "How is your diet?"

She said, "Well, the first two days were easy but that third day was hard. Doing all that skipping made me really tired."

blonde with license
Q: Why does a blonde always fail her road test?

A: Because every time the car stops, she jumps in the backseat!

Why does it take longer to make a blonde snowman?

Because you have to hollow out the head first.

fair-haired science fair
10) Are poisonous snakes really venomous?
9) Is lighter fluid flammable?
8) What hurts more: falling off a building, or a cliff?
7) Are knives sharp?
6) Can sharks hurt a human?
5) What happens if I stick my hand in a piranha aquarium?
4) Can I break my arm hitting it against a wall?
3) Can I eat broken glass and live?
2) Can dogs talk?
1) Are blondes really dumb?

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