Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » jokes 41


video blonde
Did you hear about the blonde and the weight loss video?

She threw it away because the people in the video weren't losing weight either!

why did the blonde get fired...
Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory?

She was throwing away all the W's.

a blonde goes to an office party and wins...
A blonde goes to an office party and wins a thermos.

The blonde asks a co-worker, "What does it do?" He says it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.

The next day the blond goes to work after filling her thermos with ice cream and tea.

a blonde was cooking dinner
A blonde was cooking dinner, when her kitchen caught on fire. So she called 911 and said, "My kitchen is on fire!"

They asked, "How do we get there?"

The blonde said, "Well, DUH, the big red truck!"

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