Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » jokes 124


one day a blonde went into a department ...
One day a blonde went into a department store.

She said to the owner, "Can I buy that T.V.?"

The owner replies, "No, you're a blonde".

Next day the blonde comes into the same shop with black hair and says, "Can I buy that T.V.?"

The shop keeper says "No, you're a blonde."

Next day the blonde comes in with pink hair and says, "Can I buy that T.V.?"

The owner says, "No, you're a blonde."

Then the blonde goes, "How do you know I'm blonde?"

He replies, "Because it's a microwave."

blondes 'n' birth control
Why don't blondes take birth control pills?

Because they keep falling out.

the blonde and the doll
Q: What is the difference between a blonde and an inflatable doll?

A: About two cans of hair spray.

a blonde goes into a music store and...
A blonde goes into a music store and asks the guy who works there where the country music CD's are.

The salesman replies, "Try the other side."

So the blonde moves to his other ear and says, "Where are the country music CD's?"

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