Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » humor 150


five days of christmas
Q: What did the blonde ask Santa Claus for Christmas?

A: Five golden dings, four calling nerds, three French men, two purple gloves, and a bar fridge and a party.

blonde nurse
Why did the blonde nurse take a red magic marker to work?

In case she had to draw some blood.

baking blondes
One day 2 blondes walked into a tanning salon. One blonde said, " A tan for 2 please!"

The cashier said, " Ok," filled out a form for them and asked, "are you two sisters?"

They chuckled and replied, " No, we aren't even Catholic."

the roof is on fire
Q: What's dumber than a brunette trying to build a house under water?

A: A blonde trying to burn it down

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