Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » humor 60


on the rooftop
Why did the blonde bring a ladder to the party?

He heard the drinks where on the house.

blond with a cell phone
A blond gets a new cell phone from her husband.

The next day she goes to Wal-mart and her phone rings, so she answers it.

It was her husband. He says, "How's the new cell phone?"

She replied, "Great...but how did you know I was at Wal-mart?"

why did the blonde go up on top...
Why did the blonde go up on top of the bar?

Because the bartender said the drinks were on the house!!

a blonde was working on a puzzle. after ten ...
A blonde was working on a puzzle.

After ten hard months of work, she finally finished.

She was so proud of herself because on the side of the box it said, "2-3 years."

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