Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » humor 53


blonde and genie
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were stuck on an island for many, many years until one day they found a magic lamp. They rubbed it hard and out popped a genie. He said that he could only give three wishes so since there were three girls, each would get one wish.

The redhead went first. 'I hate it here. It is too hot and boring. I want to go home!'
"Okay,' replied the genie. And off she went.

Then the brunette went. 'I miss my family, my friends and relatives. I want to go home, too!!'
And off she went.

The blonde started crying and said, 'I wish my friends were back here!'

blondes in a convertible
Two blondes were shopping at the mall. When they were done, they went out to their car, which happened to be an awesome leather-interior convertible, but they realized they had locked the keys in the car. So they both kind of stood there and thought for a while.

Then one of the girls had the bright idea to try to open the car with a coat hanger, so she started fiddling with the lock. The other blonde looked up at the sky, became very worried, and pleaded,


brunette, blonde & railroad tracks
A brunette was jumping along railroad tracks, saying, “21, 21, 21.” A blonde comes along and starts doing the same thing. They hear a train and the brunette jumps off, but the blonde keeps jumping. The blonde gets hit and dies. After the train leaves, the brunette jumps back on saying this time, “22, 22, 22....”
one-armed blonde
How do you get a one-armed blonde out of a tree?


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