Sexuality jokes

Jokes » sexuality » humor 145


What's 72?

69 with 3 people watching!

the new 69
Due to the changes in the law, 69 is now 75.

There's a new tax on eating out...
rabbit breakout
Three rabbits escape from a testing lab and find an entire field full of carrots. They eat themselves into a stupor and sleep throughout the night. The next morning, they find an entire field full of female rabbits with no males in sight. They screw themselves into a stupor and sleep throughout the night. The next morning, the rabbits get to talking.

"I'm gonna go back to that field of carrots," says one.

"I'm gonna go back to those cute little rabbits," says the second.

"I'm going back to the lab," says the third. "I'm dying for a cigarette."

three words that describe britney spears
My computer is like Britney Spears; cheap, white, and plastic.

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