Blonde jokes

Jokes » blonde » humor 81


blonde valedictorian
A blonde came home from school one day and said to her mom, 'I can count higher then all the kids in my second grade class, do you think it is because I am a blonde?'

Her mother replied, 'Of couse it is, dear.'

The next day, the blonde said, 'I can say the alphabet higher then anyone in my class, do you think it is because I am a blonde?'

Her mother replied, 'Of course it is dear!'

The next day the blonde came home from her gymnastics and asked her mother, 'I have a larger chest then all the kids in my class, do you think its because I am a blonde?'

Her mother replied, 'No dear, I think it is because you are eighteen years old."

A blonde's redhead decides to show her a neat way to trick people -- you put your hand on a wall and ask someone to punch it. But before they do, you pull your hand away!

"That is a neat trick," thinks the blonde, and tries desperately to remember it, but isn't all too successful. Despite this, she decides to try it out on her blonde friend.

"Okay," she says, "I'm going to put my hand in front of my face..."

blonde's computer freeze
What does a blonde do when her computer freezes?

She sticks it in the microwave.

blond father
A blond guy and a brunette girl were happily married and about to have a baby. One day, the wife started having contractions, so the husband rushed her to the hospital. He held her hand as she went through a trying birth. In the end, there were two little baby boys.

The blond guy turned to his wife and angrily said, "All right, who's the other father!?!"

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