Sexuality jokes

Jokes » sexuality » humor 192


clinton's favorite card game
Q: What is Bill Clinton's favorite card game?

A: Poker.
whistle while you twurk
One day three dwarfs went walking and saw a sign for a "World Records" competition. The first one entered the 'smallest feet' contest and won. The second one entered the 'smallest hands' contest and one. The third entered the 'smallest penis' contest -- and lost. He came away, very dejected.

"What happened?" asked his friends.

"Who's Bill Clinton?"

dought girl
What do you get when you cross a cabbagepatch doll whith the pillsbary dough boy?
A short ugly chick with a yeast infection.
77 vs 69
Why is 77 better than 69?

Because you get eight (ate) more!!!!

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