Men And Women jokes

Jokes » men and women » jokes 102

Men And Women

madame president
What would a female president's husband be called?

Bill Clinton.

how did britney spears...
How did Britney Spears cross the road?

With a magic marker

A boy walks into his parents room to find his mom jumping on his dad so he runs back into his room. His mom followed him and asks, "Whats wrong, sweetie?" The boy asks, "What were you doing to daddy?" So she says, "Well sweetie you know your daddy has gotten really fat, so I was just flattening his belly for him" The boy replies, "Well what is the point if the neighbor comes over after you leave for work and blows it back up again?"
a sailor walked into a bar with a small ...
A sailor walked into a bar with a small head.

The bartender asked what happened.

The sailor said, "My boat sank. I was adrift for 3 days when I saw a mermaid."

She said, "I will grant you three wishes."

The sailor continued, "I wished there was a boat and suddenly I heard 'toot toot' for there was a boat on the horizon. Then I wished I looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I did."

Then I said, "I wish you would give me a little head."

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