Whatever jokes

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three men had been stuck on an island...
Three men had been stuck on an island for ten years.

Just as they were about to give up hope, one of the men finds a magic lamp.

The first man wished to be 10% smarter, and then he was able to make a fire and send morse code smoke signals for help.

The second one wished to be 25% smarter, and suddenly he knew how to build a sturdy raft capable of getting them all off the island.

Then the third man wished to be 50% smarter, and he turned into a woman and walked across the bridge.

snoops's favorite weather
What's Snoop Dogg's favorite weather?


and god created a sleeping man
A couple went to church every week, but every week without fail the husband would fall asleep during the sermon. The wife, being embarrassed by her husband's loud snoring, decided to bring a needle to the next service and poke him when he nodded off. The next week when they were in church the husband, as always, fell asleep.
"Who created the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th?" The wife stuck her husband with the needle and he jumped up and exclaimed, "Oh my God!" The preacher said, "That's correct." And the husband sat down mumbling to himself. He soon fell asleep again.
The preacher got to the question "Who died on the cross to save us from eternal damnation?" The wife stuck her husband again and he jumped up and exclaimed, "Jesus Christ!" And the preacher said, "Right again." With this, the husband fell suspicious of his wife and decided to catch her in the act. The husband pretended to fall asleep while keeping an eye on his wife.
"What did Mary say to Joseph after Jesus was born?" the preacher asked. The wife started to poke her husband again, but before she could the husband jumped up and exclaimed, "If you stick that damn thing in me again, I'm going to break it in half!"
duuuuh dumb jock
He's such a dumb jock, that when he was driving to the airport, he saw a sign that read, "Airport Left," and he turned around and went home.

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