Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 466


the florist's twins
Did you hear about the florist's twins?

Why yes! One was a budding genius and the other was a blooming idiot.
did you here about the cross-eyed ...
Did you here about the cross-eyed teacher?

She couldn't keep control of her pupils.

two bit girlfriend
A guy walks in and sits down at a bar. His face is all bruised and bleeding so the bartender asks, "Hey buddy, what in the world happened to you?".

The guy says, "Oh, I got in a fight with my girlfriend and I called her a two-bit whore."

"Yeah?" asks the bartender. "What did she do?"

"She hit me with her bag of quarters!".

Q. Why is Al Gore pissed at JFK Jr.?

A. He didn't like him polluting the water.

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