Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 84


little johnny's question
A teacher asks her class, "If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?"

She calls on little Johnny. He replies, "None, they all fly away with the first gun shot"

The teacher replies "The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking."

Then Little Johnny says "I have a question for YOU. There are three women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?"

The teacher, blushing a great deal, replied, "Well I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone"

To which Little Johnny replied, "The correct answer is the one with the wedding ring on, but I like your thinking."

amishamed of myself
What do you call an Amish man on the side of the road, with his hand up a horse's ass?
A mechanic.
ice cream lessons
Where would you learn how to make ice cream?

At Sundae school.

things you don't want to hear in an elevator
5. Does this look infected to you?
4. Would you believe these pants are reversible?
3. The acoustics in this elevator are perfect for yodeling.
2. I'm not just a Jehovah's Witness. I also sell insurance.
1. Just ignore Duke. We're going to have him fixed soon.

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