Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 108


What do you do when your dishwasher stops?

Kick him in the ass!
riddle: the man
A man lives in a highrise on the 15th floor. Every morning, on the way to work, he takes the elevator all the way down to the 1st floor. But when he comes home, he takes the elevator to the 8th floor and walks the rest of the way up. The only exception is when it's raining. Why?

The man's a midget, and can't reach the buttons. When it's raining, he has his umbrella with him, so he can reach the 15 button with it.

railroad thunder
A railroad worker was cuting the grass away from the edge of the line as a train was coming in his direction. He droped all his tools and ran down the line as fast as he could. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in a hospital. A policeman asked him why didn't you just run up the grassy hill to saftey, “What chance did I have of out running up the hill if I couldn't outrun it on level ground?”
jack be nimble
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jumped over a candlestick.
But Jack wasn't so nimble,
And Jack tripped,
Now Jack's stuck in bed with a burnt...

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