Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 455


p. diddy, britney spears, and eminem go to hell
P. Diddy, Britney Spears, and Eminem all die and go to hell. The devil took Britney in his hands and she melted into a puddle. Then he took P. Diddy in his hands and he melted into a puddle. Then he took Eminem into his hands, but he didn't melt. The devil said, "why didn't you melt like the other two?"
He said, "Because Eminem melts in your mouth, not your hands."
oceans apart
What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the Pacific Ocean?

Nothing, they just waved.

it was so cold today i saw a lawyer with his ...
It was so cold today I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.

"Some plants," said the teacher, "have the prefix "dog. For instance, there is the dogrose, the dogwood, the dogviolet. Now name another plant prefixed by 'dog'."

"I can," shouted a blonde, "Collieflower!"

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