Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 51


the riddle of the missing dollar
Three guys go to a hotel. They tell the man behind the desk that they want 3 rooms. He says, "10 dollars per room so that's 30 dollars."So they pay and go up to their rooms.

Then, the deskman remembers that there is a special for 3 rooms for $25. He gives the bellhop the $5 change and tells him to take it up to them.
On the way, the bellhop realizes that he doesn't know how to split it 3 ways so he keeps 2 and gives 1 to each man.

My question is: If after the dollar refund each man paid 9 dollars and $9 x 3 men equals $27 and the bellhop only has $2, then what happened to the other dollar?

where are my meds?
How many manic depressives does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, let them them cry in the dark.
the best bar in the world
Three days finish up a hard day of work and walk into a bar. They do the same the next day. And the day after that. On the fourth day, they duck.
you're so stupid...macy's
'You're so stupid that you looked up at the MACY's sign and said,'Dang...they spelled Y.M.C.A. wrong'

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