Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 66


legless dog
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn't matter... he won't come to you anyway!
full speed ahead
What's faster than the speed of light?
An Afghani with a dinner ticket.
baby boomers
Q: What's worse then finding 10 zombie babies in a garbage can?

A: Finding one zombie baby in 10 garbage cans.

poor old man
An old man is sitting on a park bench crying. A young man is walking by and asks him why he's crying. The old man says, "I'm retired and I have lots of money, a huge luxury apartment, a beautiful 25 year old wife who loves me and has sex with me twice a day"

The young man says, "Well then why the hell are you crying!?"

The old man replies, "I can't remember where I live!"

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