Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 266


dumb mama joke
Yo mama is so dumb, when her radio batteries were dead, she buried them.
two sausages were frying in a pan
Two sausages were frying in a frying pan. One says to the other, "Damn, it's hot in here"
The other said, "Oh my God! A talking sausage!"
what does saddam and fred flintstone have in ...
What does Saddam and Fred Flintstone have in common?

They can both look out the windows and see rubble.

a natural blind
A blind man walks into a bar, taps the man next him, and says, "Hey, wanna hear a blonde joke?"

The man says back to the blind man, "Look buddy, I'm blonde. The man behind me is a 400-pound professional wrestler and he is blonde. The bouncer is blonde. The man sitting over to your left is also blonde. Still wanna tell that blonde joke?"

The blind man is silent for a moment and then says, "Nah, I wouldn't want to have to explain it five times."

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