Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 206


marine get up and go
How do you kill a marine?

Throw sand against the wall and tell him to hit the beach!

bathroom humor philosophy
When the toilet paper of experience is depleted, the ass of reason goes unwiped.
bathroom nationalities
If you're an American when you enter the restroom and an American when you leave, what are you when you're inside?

what do you need so much milk for ma'am?
A milkman was delivering on his round when he came to an order which said, "45 pints of milk."

Puzzled, the milkman decided to ask the person weather or not he/she had made a mistake. When he knocked on the door, a woman came out with just a bath towel around her.

The milkman asked her if she had made a mistake but sure enough she wanted 45 pints. "Milk baths are good for your skin," explained the woman.

"Oh, okay," said the milkman. "Do you want it pasturised then?"

"No," said the woman. "Up to my tits will be fine."

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