Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 375


harleys and hoovers
What's the difference between a Harley Davidson motorcycle and a vacuum cleaner?

You can fit two dirt bags on a Harley!

elephant innuendo
Why does an elephant have four feet?

Because in the animal kingdom six inches just doesn't cut it.

this is a recording
A plane was once flying over an island when the passengers heard the pilot's voice: “Ladies & Gentlemen, if you look on the right side of the plane, you'll see an engine on fire. If you look on the left side, you'll see a wing on fire. And if you look down, you'll see me and my co-pilot in parachutes, waving at you. This is a recording.”
blonde loses sweet job
Why did the blonde get fired from her job at the M&M factory?

She threw away all the "W&W's"

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