Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 175


yeehaw! the alabama lottery!
Did you hear about the Alabama Lottery? You can win $20 dollars every year for the next million years.
bouncing baby brute
You're so ugly, when you were born, the doctor had to put you in a bucket of water to see which end of you would breathe.
no special sauce?
Q: How can you tell Ronald McDonald on a nude beach?

A: He's the one with the sesame seed buns!

a girl named happy butt
It was this little girl's first day of school and the teacher asked her what her name was and she replied, "Happy Butt."

The teacher said, "Honey I don't think that's your name you need to go to the principal's office and get this straightened out."

So she went to the principal's office and he asked, "What's your name?" And the little girl said, "Happy Butt."

The principal called the girl's mother to get this straightened out once and for all. After getting off the phone he looked at the little girl and said, "Honey, your name's is Gladys, not Happy Butt."

The girl then exclaimed, "Glad Ass - Happy Butt... what's the difference?"

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