Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 416


urinalotta trouble
Above the urinal, written on the wall:
Why are you looking up here? The joke is in your hand!
rubics cube
What's the similarity between a Rubics Cube and a penis?

The more you play with it, the harder it gets.
the drunk
There was a man who would come home blind drunk every night and vomit in the bathroom sink, and every night the man's wife would warn him that someday he would puke up his guts.

One day the wife cut up a chicken and left the guts in the sink, just to give him a scare. At about 3:00 a.m. the man came home and spewed in the same sink as always. About 30 minutes later, the man came out of the bathroom and said to his wife,'You were right honey, I really did puke up my guts, but don't worry, with the help of this long wooden spoon, I managed to put them all back."
let's play monkey in the tree
Why'd the monkey fall out of the tree?

'Cause he was dead!

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