Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 384


cutest baby chicks ever
Why do baby chicks say "cheap, cheap, cheap?" Because they can't say "expensive, expensive, expensive!"
kurt co-brain
What has more brains than Kurt Cobain?

The wall behind him!

gone fishin'
Once there were two best friends, named Fred and DooDah. They were old fishing buddies, and one day headed out to their favorite lake to fish. After getting out on the lake, DooDah hooked a huge fish, which proceeded to pull him overboard, where he drowned a horrible watery death. Fred was brokenhearted, since DooDah was his best friend. But sad as he was, he realized that he would have to tell DooDah's wife the terrible news. He thought long and hard, but just couldn't think of the right words. Finally, he took a deep breath and knocked on her door. DooDah's wife opened the door and heard Fred start singing:
"Guess who drowned in the lake today? DooDah! DooDah!"
it's very difficult to marry princesses
Three men want to marry the king's most beautiful daughter. The king agrees to give them a chance, but they must perform three difficult tasks: defeat an ogre, turn lead to gold, and screw a cow. The first man dies fighting the ogre, the second fails at turning lead to gold, but the third man successfully completes all three tasks.
"Congratulations!" says the king. "You may now have my daughter's hand in marriage."
"Screw that," says the man. "I want the cow."

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