Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 167


a seismologist, a meteorologist, and a fireman...
A seismologist, a meteorologist, and a fireman were P.O.W.s to a group of terrorists.

Before the day of their scheduled execution, they all agreed on escaping by shouting out something really loud to hopefully scare them off.

The next day the first one to be pulled was the seismologist. The terrorists put him next to a tree and aimed ther guns at his head. The leader said, "Any last words?"

The seismologist replied with a loud shout, "Earthquake!"

The terrorists got scared and ran, so the seismologist escaped.

The terrorists and grabbed the meteorologist. They put him next to a tree with guns pointed at his head. The leader said, "Any last words?"

The meteorologist replied,"Tornado!"

The terrorists got scared and ran away, so the meteorologist escaped.

The terrorists came back and went on to the last, the fireman. They put him next to the tree and pointed guns at his head. The leader said, "Any last words?"

The fireman replied, "Fire!"

So they shot him and he died.

heavy sack
Q: Why is Santa's sack so big?

A: He only comes once a year.

redneck recycling
Q: What do Rednecks call four empty Cool Whip containers on a table?

A: Salad bowls

wake up, stand up
A woman wakes up one morning and open the blinds. Her husband, half-awake, says, "Close those blinds, those little boys over the road can see my naked body." The woman replies, "If those little boys saw your naked body, they'd close their blinds".

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