Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 353


talk to me in frogspeak, do
A grandson ran up to his grandfather and asked him he could talk like a frog. "Of course not," said the grandfather. A few minutes later, his granddaughter ran up and asked him the same thing. "No, of course not. Why are you both asking me this?" The granddaughter looked up at him and said "Dad said that when you croak, we can go to Disneyland."
lsd cocktail
Q: What do you get if you cross LSD with birth control?

A: A trip without the kids!

thanksgiving turkey
One Thanksgiving a friend and I were walking down a main street in Albany when a man comes up to me and gives me a turkey and says, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Without hesitation my freind knocks him out. I asked my friend why he punched the nice man. My friend said, 'He gave you the bird!"

What do you call a hiker who likes to gossip?

A walkie-talkie.

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