Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 70


Did you hear about the new movie 'Constipation?'

It hasn't come out yet.
you can ring my bell, ring my bell
One upon a time there was a town with a new church steeple with a bell that wouldn't ring. People came from miles around to try it. One day a small fellow came up to the priest and said, “I can do it.”

The priest said, “Okay, try it.”

The little fellow went to the steeple, took three steps back, and ran into the bell with his face. BONG!! The bell rang and he was hired.

One windy day as he took his three steps back to ring the bell, and the wind moved the bell. The little fellow missed the bell and fell out of the steeple. He landed in the middle of the plaza where people gathered to see what happened.

The priest came through the crowd and asked, “Does anyone know this fellow's name?”

Someone in the crowd replied, “I don't know his name, but his face rings a bell!”

traveling on friday
If a cowboy rides into town on Friday and three days later leaves on Friday, how does he do it?

The horse's name is Friday!

40' long and stinky
What is 40 feet long and smells like urine?

Line dancing at the nursing home.

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