Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 91


cruel joke
What did the blind, deaf, mute quadraplegic boy get for Christmas?


late cannibal
Did you hear about the cannibal who came home late for dinner?

His wife gave him the cold shoulder!

three men visit god on the mountaintop
Three men heard rumors of a mountaintop where God came down to solve people's problems. So they all went to the mountain.

The first man was deaf and God asked him, 'Can I help you, son?' The man started signing in sign language that he would be so happy if only he could hear. So God touched the man and suddenly he could hear.

God then asked the second man, who was blind, 'What can I do for you, my son?'

The second man said, 'Oh God, if I could only see I would be so happy.' So God touched him and the man was able to see.

Meanwhile, the third man was sitting in his wheelchair with his mouth wide open in amazement. God looked at the man and asked him what he wanted.

The man stepped back and yelled, 'Don't lay one finger on me, God, I am on total disability!'
how do you get a blonde really ...
Put her in a circular room and tell her to pee in the corner.

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