Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 80


constipated accountant
Did you hear about the constipated accountant?

He couldn't budget so he had to work it out with a pencil and paper.

two of these things belong together
What's the odd one out? 1) A lobster 2) a whale 3) a guy that's been hit by a bus?

The whale -- the other two are both crustaceans.

k-mart stands for...
Q: What does K-mart stand for?
A: Kuz Mexicans Are Rich Too

tomato family outing
Once upon a time there was a family of tomatoes were walking down the road. The baby was walking slowly, he began to fall behind his mommy and daddy. After about 5 minutes, the daddy became so furious he turned around and stomped on his son. "Come on, Ketchup! Let's go!"

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