Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 81


grosser than gross kiss
What's grosser than gross?

Kissing your grandmother hello and her tounge slips in!

leper hockey
Why did the referees stop the leper hockey game?

There was a face-off in the corner.

how to annoy people in an elevator
1. When the elevator doors close, exclaim loudly 'Don't be alarmed folks, the doors will open again shortly'.

2. Press all of the buttons in the elevator when you get out - especially when other people are still in it.

3. Introduce your imaginary friend. And have a conversation with them.

4. Stand at the front of the elevator, facing the back. [If you are the first person in the elevator to do this, others will probably follow your lead]
5. Exclaim to all in the lift 'Oh, no! It's started raining!' then open your umbrella.

6. Ask everyone what their e-mail addresses are then tell them there's too many dot's in them.
constipated accountant
Did you hear about the constipated accountant?

He couldn't budget so he had to work it out with a pencil and paper.

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