Whatever jokes

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it's a pun. get it?
What's black and white and red all over?

A newspaper!
lost with translation
The American Dairy Association was so successful with its "Got Milk?" campaign, that it was decided to extend the ads to Mexico. Unfortunately, the Spanish translation was "Are you lactating?"

Electrolux, a Scandinavian vacuum manufacturer, used this ad in the U.S.: "Nothing sucks like an Electrolux."

Colgate introduced a toothpaste called "Cue" in France, but it turned out to be the same name as a well-known porno magazine.

When Braniff translated a slogan touting its upholstery, "Fly in leather," it came out in Spanish as "Fly naked."

Coors put its slogan, "Turn it loose," into Spanish, where it was read as "Suffer from diarrhea."

Chicken magnate Frank Perdue's line, "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken," sounds much more interesting in Spanish: "It takes a sexually stimulated man to make a chicken affectionate."

Bacardi concocted a fruity drink with the name "Pavian" to suggest French chic...but "pavian" means "baboon" in German.

A hair products company, Clairol, introduced the "Mist Stick", a curling iron, into Germany only to find out that mist is slang for manure. Not too many people had use for the manure stick.

When Kentucky Fried Chicken entered the Chinese market, to their horror they discovered that their slogan "finger lickin' good" came out as "eat your fingers off"

When Vicks first introduce its cough drops on the German market, they were chagrined to learn that the German pronunciation of "v" is f - which in German is the guttural equivalent of "sexual penetration."

Parker Pens translated the slogan for its ink, "Avoid Embarrassment - Use Quink" into Spanish as "Evite Embarazos - Use Quink"...which also means, "Avoid Pregnancy - Use Quink."

When Pepsi started marketing its products in China a few years back, they translated their slogan, "Pepsi Brings You Back to Life" pretty literally. The slogan in Chinese really meant, "Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave."

In Italy, a campaign for "Schweppes Tonic Water" translated the name into the much less thirst quenching "Schweppes Toilet Water."

Chinese translation proved difficult for Coke, which took two tries to get it right. They first tried Ke-kou-ke-la because when pronounced it sounded roughly like Coca-Cola. It wasn't until after thousands of signs had been printed that they discovered that the phrase means "bite the wax tadpole" or "female horse stuffed with wax," depending on the dialect. Second time around things worked out much better. After researching 40,000 Chinese characters, Coke came up with "ko-kou-ko-le" which translates roughly to the much more appropriate "happiness in the mouth."

Not to be outdone, Puffs tissues tried later to introduce its product, only to learn that "Puff" in German is a colloquial term for a whorehouse. The English weren't too fond of the name either, as it's a highly derogatory term for a non-heterosexual.

The Chevy Nova never sold well in Spanish speaking countries. "No va" means "it doesn't go" in Spanish.

Ford introduced the Pinto in Brazil. After watching sales go nowhere, the company learned that "Pinto" is Brazilian slang for "tiny male genitals." Ford pried the nameplates off all of the cars and substituted them with "Corcel" which means horse.

When Gerber first started selling baby food in Africa, they used the same packaging as here in the USA - with the cute baby on the label. Later they found out that in Africa companies routinely put pictures on the label of what's inside since most people can't read.

In the French part of Canada, Hunt-Wesson introduced its "Big John" products as "Gros Jos." It later found out that the phrase is slang for "big breasts."

famous people and chickens
Why did the chicken cross the road?

• Plato: for the greater good. • Karl Marx: It was historical inevitability. • Douglass Adams: 42 • Oliver North: National security was at stake. • Darwin: It was the next logical step after coming down from the trees • Earnest Hemmingway: To die. In the rain. • Saddam Hussein: It was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tonnes of nerve gas on it. • Ronald Regan: I forget. • Jack Nicholson: 'Cause it f-----g wanted to. That's the f----g reason. • Mark Twain: The news of it's crossing has been greatly exagerated. • Mr T: If you saw me coming, you'd cross the road too

zoltrog jokes
1. How many trarlokks does it take to trokkclap a freeloo? Only as many as will fit in its Raptonian estadok! 2. I once went on a ritual breeding excursion with Tragshod the sixty-headed female from the Krogter system. Let's just say she still did not possess the correct number of heads needed to properly satisfy my frellclot! 3. Anyone here from the Urgassk galaxy? Then I will communicate at a pace slower than normal! 4. What's the deal with that Earthly program known as The Brady Bunch? I haven't seen such excessive breeding since my quest to Tonokk III during the Rithwoshian phase of its many moons! 5. What if Earthling Jack Nickelson and High Chancellor Thrawng of Gortuse had a child? I believe the offspring would resemble the mimicry which I shall now attempt. "You cannot handle the truth, and by the power of the Gortusian army, I challenge you to handle it before our fifth moon returns, or forever become a slave in the flertonian mines of Ambrod VI!" 6. I once witnessed the two beings from which I sprang engage in the sexual reproduction ritual of Krogter. I will never be at peace again while visiting the Krogter galaxy! Am I correct in that assumption, sentient beings? 7. What is the source of these dissimilarities between the male and female of the species? It seems that the female is one of audible annoyance to the male and the male is content only with viewing matches of competitive sport in a languorous state, which seems to be the source of some frustration to the female. That is factual information, is it not? 8. On the topic of beings in power, what is the ultimate motivation of Grand Emperor Ishrock? It seems he has no regard for the welfare of the common Ragtorian, but his voluminous lust for Ragtorian ale is matched by no creature! 9. The various races of the Earth are peculiar and differentiated in their skill levels, correct? The paler skinned mammals seem novice in regards to the topic of ‘basket and ball' activities, while the darker skinned of the same species seem most dominate such activities as well as feature a greater sexual organ than their paler mammalian counterparts! 10. Sentient beings are not consuming wisely these solar cycles, am I correct, air breathers? I once viewed a Kreblorian so encumbered by his own mass that officials were required to extricate him from the living quarters utilizing a lubricous gelatin, which he later consumed during the mastication process. 11. I recently voyaged to a region of Earth known as Florida. Is it simply Zoltrog, or is that region of the planet far more biologically aged than the surrounding hospitable environments? 12. My relationship ritual was imbalanced last solar cycle. Though I funded the consumption of our much needed nourishment, the female did not reward my contribution with mating. 13. What is this about the males and females of your species engaging in the partnering tradition with others of similar genitalia? Heed the warning of one heterosexual creature who has engaged in the partnering tradition, homosexuals of Earth. Do not burden yourselves, am I right fellow heterosexually mated creatures?

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