Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 426


the naming of jesus christ
The three wise men went to visit Jesus right after he was born. One wise man was extremely tall. He hit his head on the top of the door frame and said, 'Jesus Christ!' Joseph looked at Mary and said 'Write that down -- that's better than Clyde!'
gay pick-up line
Did you hear about the new pick up line going around the gay bars?

"May I push in your stool?"

How many men does it take to wallpaper a room?

It depends how thinly you slice them!
stop tailgating
A modest young lass had just purchased some lingerie and asked if she might have the sentence, "If you can read this you're too damn close" embroidered on her panties and bra.
"Yes ma'am," said the clerk. "I'm quite certian that could be done. Would you prefer block or script letters?"
"Braille," she replied.

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