Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 169


the ex-wife and the genie
One day a man was planting flowers outside his new house when he found a bottle with a cork in it. He took out the cork and with a poof, a genie came out. 'I will grant you three wishes but whatever you wish for your ex-wife gets double,' said the genie.
'Okay. for my first wish I want one million dollars,' said the man. And, in a poof of smoke, one million dollars appeared.
'Hmm... but now my ex-wife has two million dollars,' said the man, 'But, for my next wish, I want a five-story manson." And, in a poof of smoke his house turns into a five-story manson. 'But now my ex-wife has a twenty-story manson,' said the man.
'And now, for your last wish?' asked the genie. 'Hmmm... YES! I have the greatest wish yet. Why didn't think of this earlier?!' replied the man. 'For my last wish, I want you to beat me half to death!!!' '
tennessee divorce
Q: What do a Texas tornado and a Tennessee divorce have in common?

A: Someone is going to lose a trailer.
technically and reality?
One day, a little boy asks his father what the difference is between 'technically' and 'reality.'

"Son, I won't tell you the dictionary definition in fear that it will confuse you. But to help you out, I'll give you something to do. Go ask your mother if she will sleep with a bum for $500,000 and ask your sister is she'll sleep with the garbageman for the same amount." So, the little boy goes up to his mom.

"Mommy, would you ever sleep with a bum for $500,000?"

"You bet your ass I would!" exclaims the mother. So the little boy goes up to his sister's bedroom.

"Hey sis, would you sleep with the garbageman for $500,000?"

"I sure would!" exclaims his sister.

"Dad, Dad! Mom and sis both said they would. What does that mean?"

"Well, son," the father says. "Technically, we're millionares but in reality we live with a couple of dirty whores!"

face sabbatical
Can I borrow your face for a few days?

My ass is on vacation.

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