Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 122


blonde looking for a job
A blonde was filling out an application form for a job. She promptly filled the columns entitled NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, etc. Then she came to the column: SALARY EXPECTED.

lightbulb... harvard
How many Harvard girls does it take to change a lightbulb?

It's Radcliffe. It's women. And it's not funny!

legless cow
What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground Beef!

learning to fly
Two guys die in a car accident and an angel descends from heaven.
"I am to give you your wings so you can fly to heaven. But if you think one dirty thought or act out one dirty act your wings will fall off." So they fly to heaven without any trouble but when they get there the first guy sees a naked woman walk by so his wings falll off. When he bends over to pick them up the second guy's wings fall off.

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