Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » jokes 43


funny business
A man is opening a restaurant and he asks one of his workers to come up with a name for it.

The man tells Al, one of his workers, that he will name the resaurant after the first thing Al sees when he goes out the door.

Al walks outside and the first thing he saw was a girl named Lucy and he saw her legs. He told the man, and so the restaurant was named Lucy's Legs. The man was so impressed that he said the next day Al could get a free drink.

The next day Al comes a bit early and a policeman walks by and notices Al waiting there. The policeman asks, "What are you doing?"

Al says, "I'm waiting for Lucy's legs to open so I can get a drink."

where do one legged people?
Where do one legged people work?


band humor
Q: What does a drummer use for contraception?

A: His personality!

porcupine vs. bus
What's the difference between a porcupine and a bus?

A bus has the pricks on the inside of it.

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